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The reauthorization of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act Sec. 722(g) (l) (J) requires the establishment of local liaisons in all local education agencies, regardless of sub-grant McKinney-Vento. In general, local liaisons for...
The reauthorization of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act Sec. 722(g) (l) (J) requires the establishment of local liaisons in all local education agencies, regardless of sub-grant McKinney-Vento.
In general, local liaisons for homeless children and youth ensure that:
Homeless children and youth are identified by school personnel;
Homeless children enroll in and have full and equal opportunities to succeed in school;
Homeless families and children and youths receive the educational services that they are eligible for including Head Start, Even Start, referrals to health care services, and other services;
The parents or guardians are informed of the educational and related opportunities to their children and are provided with opportunities to participate in the education of their children;
Public notice is disseminated of the educational rights of homeless children and youths is disseminated;
Enrollment disputes are appropriately mediated ;
The parent or guardian of a homeless child or youth or unaccompanied youth is informed of all transportation services including transportation to the school of origin.
Homeless School Transition Programs