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Response offers no cost presentation/trainings to social service organizations, police and medical personnel, court officials and other members of the community. Prevention programming is also offered to K-12 students, and their care...
Response offers no cost presentation/trainings to social service organizations, police and medical personnel, court officials and other members of the community. Prevention programming is also offered to K-12 students, and their care givers, staff, and faculty.
Family Violence Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Sexual Assault Prevention
Programs build skills for students, educators, and communities to create healthy, safe, and fulfilling lives. Content draws from nationally recognized violence prevention research, evidence, and theory.
Programs build skills for students, educators, and communities to create healthy, safe, and fulfilling lives. Content draws from nationally recognized violence prevention research, evidence, and theory.
Youth Violence Prevention
Sexual Assault Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Child Abuse Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Response offers no cost presentation/trainings to social service organizations, police and medical personnel, court officials and other members of the community. Prevention programming is also offered to K-12 students, and their care...
Response offers no cost presentation/trainings to social service organizations, police and medical personnel, court officials and other members of the community. Prevention programming is also offered to K-12 students, and their care givers, staff, and faculty.
Sexual Assault Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Family Violence Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Response offers no cost presentation/trainings to social service organizations, police and medical personnel, court officials and other members of the community. Prevention programming is also offered to K-12 students, and their care...
Response offers no cost presentation/trainings to social service organizations, police and medical personnel, court officials and other members of the community. Prevention programming is also offered to K-12 students, and their care givers, staff, and faculty.
Sexual Assault Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Family Violence Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Response offers no cost presentation/trainings to social service organizations, police and medical personnel, court officials and other members of the community. Prevention programming is also offered to K-12 students, and their care...
Response offers no cost presentation/trainings to social service organizations, police and medical personnel, court officials and other members of the community. Prevention programming is also offered to K-12 students, and their care givers, staff, and faculty.
Dating Violence Prevention
Family Violence Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Sexual Assault Prevention
Works with youth, educators, and communities to prevent violence before it happens by identifying and sharing best practices, and designing and implementing statewide educational campaigns.
Works with youth, educators, and communities to prevent violence before it happens by identifying and sharing best practices, and designing and implementing statewide educational campaigns.
Sexual Assault Issues
Domestic Violence Issues
Youth Violence Prevention
Sexual Harassment Prevention
Sexual Assault Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
General Abuse Prevention
Child Abuse Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Presentations for community organizations, social service agencies, medical and legal professionals, business owners and law enforcement are developed to raise awareness and understanding of domestic and sexual violence and stalking.
Presentations for community organizations, social service agencies, medical and legal professionals, business owners and law enforcement are developed to raise awareness and understanding of domestic and sexual violence and stalking.
Dating Violence Prevention
Family Violence Prevention
Child Abuse Prevention
Workplace Violence Prevention
Youth Violence Prevention
Group Advocacy
Issue Advocacy
Outreach Programs
Speakers/Speakers Bureaus
Domestic Violence Issues
Sexual Assault Issues
Presentations for community organizations, social service agencies, medical and legal professionals, business owners and law enforcement are developed to raise awareness and understanding of domestic and sexual violence and stalking.
Presentations for community organizations, social service agencies, medical and legal professionals, business owners and law enforcement are developed to raise awareness and understanding of domestic and sexual violence and stalking.
Issue Advocacy
Outreach Programs
Sexual Assault Prevention
Child Abuse Prevention
Family Violence Prevention
Workplace Violence Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Speakers/Speakers Bureaus
Domestic Violence Issues
Sexual Assault Issues
Dating Violence Prevention
Youth Violence Prevention
Group Advocacy
~Interpersonal Violence Prevention Programs for grades preK-college, including: Conflict Resolution, Bullying and Teasing, Healthy Relationships, Media Literacy, Dating/Sexual Violence Primary Prevention, Domestic/Sexual Violence 101....
~Interpersonal Violence Prevention Programs for grades preK-college, including: Conflict Resolution, Bullying and Teasing, Healthy Relationships, Media Literacy, Dating/Sexual Violence Primary Prevention, Domestic/Sexual Violence 101. Please call program details including grade levels.
~Girls Circle and Retreats for teen/preteen girls: fosters girls' self-esteem and self-reliance while exploring topics such diversity, body image, and healthy relationships and friendships.
~Professional training: on topics of domestic/dating violence, sexual violence and stalking provided for law enforcement, medical, education professionals, substance abuse professionals, etc. "Domestic Violence in the Workplace" presentation available for all workplaces.
~Education/Outreach and Awareness programs for social services and systems, workplaces, faith communities, civic organizations, parent or community groups, etc including: Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence, Stalking, Teen Dating Violence, and Domestic Violence and Children.
~Additional educational programs for those who have been affected by Domestic/Sexual and Stalking Violence, inlcuding: Dynamics of Domestic Violence, Pattern Changing, Economic Empowerment, Healthy Relationships, etc.
~Volunteer Opportunities: 24-hour support and advocacy; Board of Directors; office support; Youth Advisory Board for teens. All training provided free-of-charge.
Self Esteem Workshops
Relationship Workshops
Conflict Resolution Training
Sexual Assault Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
Bullying Prevention
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Volunteer Opportunities